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Arrah (Ara) recent comments:

  • qabristan, zahidhussain786 wrote 12 years ago:
    it is the area of qabristan rawza muhalla
  • bhaluhi pur, zahidhussain786 wrote 12 years ago:
    it is the area of muhalla bhaluhi pur.
  • nizamia high school, zahidhussain786 wrote 12 years ago:
    it is the building of nizamia high school abar pul.
  • Tari Muhalla, zahidhussain786 wrote 12 years ago:
    it is the area of tari muhalla.
  • Chaudhariyana, zahidhussain786 wrote 12 years ago:
    it is the area of chaudhariyqna muhalla located west side of gola.
  • Community Hall, zahidhussain786 wrote 12 years ago:
    It is a Community Hall
  • Bihar Electricity Board Office Branch Ara, zahidhussain786 wrote 12 years ago:
    This compaund is Bihar Electricity board office branch ara located at Railway poorbari fatak
  • Naaz House c/o. Subedar Zahid Hussain, zahidhussain786 wrote 12 years ago:
    This building is established in 1999.
  • , building ,Shop (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    sambhu Bhawan
  • , building ,Shop (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    Building ,Shop
  • Hanifiya Madarsa, zahidhussain786 wrote 12 years ago:
    It is the area of Hanifiya Madarsa.
  • Police Station Mufassil, zahidhussain786 wrote 12 years ago:
    It is the area of Police Station Mufassil
  • Police Station Dharahara, zahidhussain786 wrote 12 years ago:
    It is the area of Police Station Dharahara.
  • Qabristan, zahidhussain786 wrote 12 years ago:
    It is the area of Qabristan of Muslim Community.
  • Dirty Nala,Bihari Mil, zahidhussain786 wrote 12 years ago:
    It is the area of Dirty Nala,Bihari Mil adjacent to Arrah Railway Station.
  • District Magistrate Residence, zahidhussain786 wrote 12 years ago:
    This is the Building as well as area of District Magistrate Residence , Arrah.
  • Girls' School, zahidhussain786 wrote 12 years ago:
    It is the area/Builfing of Girls' School , Arrah.
  • Block Office (CO & BDO), zahidhussain786 wrote 12 years ago:
    It is the Block Office where CO & BDO Office functioning.
  • Police Station Nawada, zahidhussain786 wrote 12 years ago:
    It is the area of "Police Station" Nawada,Arrah.
  • Madarsa Fazal Ghurba, zahidhussain786 wrote 12 years ago:
    This is the oldest MADARSA for Muslim Community.